Nicola Welnerová
Znamení: Střelec po všech stránkách.
Životní motto: Buď něco dělej, nebo nedělej. Pokusy neexistují. (Yoda)
Co dělám v rozhlase: Starám se o to, aby se zaměstnanci dostali rychle a snadno ke všem potřebným informacím.
Před rozhlasem: Vystudovala jsem obor Provoz a ekonomika na České zemědělské univerzitě v Praze. Před příchodem do rozhlasu jsem se věnovala PR v oblasti korporátní a krizové komunikace a koordinaci mediálních partnerů a mediálnímu plánování pro běžecké závody.
Co mě baví: Život.
Všechny články
Why the Kitchen?
The play Why the Kitchen? by Austrian playwright Peter Handke feels like a stream of memories, thoughts, quotations, observations, and poetic images.
Darkness Therapy
The originally Tibetan technique of yangtig, in which sojourn in complete darkness is supposed to function as preparation for death, has become “popular phenomenon” today.
This authentic and lively play about teenagers grabs the listener´s attention mainly through its approach to storytelling.
Madam Lemarchand needs a maid and a babysitter. That will be Hilda. But she also wants Hilda´s friendship, access to her entire life, and an illusion of equality.
Valentine´s First Day on Earth
An unusual tale about encountering death.
The Cremator
It´s a play about how an ordinary, conforming individual, who loves his family becomes a monster capable of destroying even those closest to him without batting an eye.
Good Will - Street Meeting
Where did we want to be, and where did we end up? A meeting of boys from the street: a personal and social inventory of the last 30 years.
Good Will - The Dancing Shop
With only a slight amount of hyperbole, one could say that his barbershop is the city of Brno´s favourite confessional.
Prague in a Cobblestone
A sound collage about Prague´s cobblestones with two basic levels: the educational one and the performative one.
The Voices I Hear
There are those who hear voices that others can’t hear. Majka Hodaňová from Brno is among them.
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